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How Sparklines are Improving Restaurant Reporting

Posted by Mirus Marketing

What are Sparklines?

A Sparkline is a data visualization designed to give a quick representation of numerical or statistical information within a report. Microsoft has used this feature in their Excel spreadsheet software and Mirus has recently introduced it's own version designed for restaurant reporting.

What's the big deal?

Sparklines allow Mirus users to visually see their data at a different dimension than the report was originally detailed by. This feature can be implemented on any report and allows restaurant decision makers to visually see trends and outliers without running other reports.

Improving restaurant reporting

Dina Misener, Manager of Application Development for Mirus says "We are always looking for new features to add to our restaurant reporting software. This idea was initially brought up by one of our clients, it will improve our reporting software as well as add a new level of data visualization. It's just another example of how much we value our customer's input."

Misener continues, "I'm very proud of the entire development team. We have a talented group of individuals that strive to deliver the best quality into our software. They came together and worked really hard to bring this feature to light. Special thanks to Marco Felix, Thomas Mondelli, Sarah Danielson, and Akkaiah Prathipati!"


What is your favorite reporting feature? Is there a feature you want to request?

About Mirus:

Mirus Restaurant Solutions is a multi-unit restaurant reporting software used by operations, finance, IT, and marketing.

For more information, please visit: www.mirus.com

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