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Automating Restaurant Process Management

Posted by Dave

Automating Restaurant Process Management

There are a lot of moving parts that go into running a multi-unit restaurant company. Trying to keep up with it all can be quite an unwieldy task. Restaurant companies that automate their process management demonstrate increased agility and competitiveness, enabling them to swiftly adjust to market dynamics and meet customer demands. Learn how automating process management can help you complete tasks faster, lower operational costs and improve resource allocation.

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Topics: Restaurant Operations, Restaurant Performance, Restaurant Analytics

Why Menu Pricing Now Requires Market Basket Analysis

Posted by Dave

Menu pricing

Menu pricing experts are seeing the old approaches for determining the best price for each item no longer work. The simple explanation for this shift lies in the changes in customer behavior and the financial reality of those customers with the devastation of inflation, and the effects of the pandemic. Learn why menu pricing now requires Market Basket Analysis. 

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Topics: Restaurant Profit, Restaurant Marketing, Restaurant Performance

How to Calculate and Use Restaurant Prime Cost

Posted by Chuck

Keeping an eye on your Prime Costs is important to operating a successful restaurant company.  Learn how to calculate and use restaurant prime cost and the targets you should aim for.

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Topics: Restaurant Profit, Restaurant Performance

How Do Restaurants Measure Performance?

Posted by Dave

We talk a lot about specific ways restaurants should measure performance. It's basically what we help restaurant executives do. The data management services and analytic tools Mirus provides allows multi-unit restaurants to see how things are going on a broad and drilled down basis. There are lots of things that go into measuring restaurant performance. In this post we are going to discus three basic ways restaurants measure performance. 

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Topics: Restaurant Performance

Pent up Demand for Restaurants

Posted by Dave

The one year anniversary of Covid-19 in the United States has come and gone, and vaccines are going into the arms of people faster than we expected back in December. It's only a matter of time when everyone who wants a vaccine has received it. There is light at the end of the tunnel.

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Topics: Restaurant Profit, Restaurant Performance, COVID-19 Restaurant Impact

Restaurants Sales take Off! - sort of...

Posted by Dave

For those following our irregular updates on the impact of Covid on restaurants, the world turned upside down for many in the past week. The picture below shows the last 7 days of Mirus Index. What do you think is going on?

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Topics: Restaurant Data Warehouse, Restaurant Finance, Restaurant Performance, COVID-19 Restaurant Impact

Managing Your Restaurant Tech & Data Stacks

Posted by Chuck

In the past year many restaurants have added new technologies to help with online ordering and delivery. Which means more systems and data to manage. Learn all about restaurant tech and data stacks and what the difference is between the two.

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Topics: Restaurant IT, Restaurant Performance

Improve Customer Satisfaction and Reduce Labor with PMIX Reports

Posted by Chuck

In a prior blog post, How to use PMIX Analysis, I wrote about Restaurant Product Mix in various stages of reporting complexity from Basic to Advanced Reporting and how each view can provide different insights. Today’s blog is going to capitalize on that prior issue but also take a different view in an effort to expand on the uses for PMIX.

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Topics: Restaurant Profit, Restaurant Marketing, Restaurant Performance

Measuring Restaurant Performance During Covid

Posted by Dave

In an era when terms like Data Scientist, and Analyst are commonly used in mass media, it is important to understand that interpreting data can be complicated.  It is easy to draw the wrong conclusion. I touched on this point in my material for Restaurant Finance Week last November. You should take caution when measuring your restaurant performance during this Covid period. Read on to see why what you see may not be what's happening and how a poor analysis can lead you to the wrong conclusion.

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Topics: Restaurant Custom Reporting, Restaurant Performance, Performance

Should Restaurants Fear Winter 2020?

Posted by Dave

We have been sharing a story this year on the progression of Covid-19 and its impact on the restaurant industry. After months of steady improvement, there are signs that the situation is getting worse for the industry. The speed of the decline also seems to be increasing, at least in some segments.

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Topics: Restaurant Performance, COVID-19 Restaurant Impact


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