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Automating Restaurant Process Management

Posted by Dave

Automating Restaurant Process Management

There are a lot of moving parts that go into running a multi-unit restaurant company. Trying to keep up with it all can be quite an unwieldy task. Restaurant companies that automate their process management demonstrate increased agility and competitiveness, enabling them to swiftly adjust to market dynamics and meet customer demands. Learn how automating process management can help you complete tasks faster, lower operational costs and improve resource allocation.

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Topics: Restaurant Operations, Restaurant Performance, Restaurant Analytics

Using a Data Warehouse as a Restaurant System of Record

Posted by Leslie

Restaurant system of record

Restaurants generate an extraordinary amount of data from a number of systems. While some data stays in the system it is produced in, other pieces of data are transformed and sent to various other systems. With the growing emphasis on data-driven decision-making, restaurant companies are seeking reliable solutions to consolidate and provide access to data so everyone is on the same page. This is where a robust System of Record (SoR) comes into play. Learn the advantages of using a Data Warehouse as a Restaurant System of Record. 

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Topics: Restaurant Data Warehouse, Restaurant IT, Restaurant Operations, Restaurant Finance, Restaurant Analytics

A Restaurant Analytics Platform for Every Department

Posted by Mirus Team

When a restaurant company originally adopts a restaurant analytics platform like Mirus, the decision usually hinges on one key issue within the company, whether that be:

  • Consolidated reporting above store (Operations)
  • General Ledger feed (Finance)
  • Analysis of promotions or LTOs (Marketing)
  • Payroll feed (HR)
  • Visibility into franchise stores (C-Level)

Each of these key issues usually impacts a specific department, which can lead to the impression that the platform is only a FILL IN THE BLANK tool; only a Finance tool if you are using it to export to your GL system, or only an Operations tool if you are using it for consolidated above store reporting. However, you are losing out on the inherent value and flexibility of your restaurant analytics platform if you’ve got it siloed away into one area of your company. 

Let’s review each of the key restaurant departments and see how a restaurant analytics platform can be tailored to meet each department's needs.

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Topics: Restaurant Marketing, Restaurant IT, Restaurant Operations, Restaurant Finance, Restaurant Analytics


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