2018 Mirus User Conference
We had a blast being able to meet with some of our clients this year at MCON! Big thank you to everyone who came down to our hometown in Houston, TX, especially the presenters and panelists. If you couldn't make it out this year, make sure to check out some photos on our Facebook page here.
Presentation Slides
Welcome & Opening Remarks
Dave Bennett, President & CEO, Mirus
Training: Becoming Comfortable With N-Step
Sonia Scott, Account Coordinator, Mirus
Mirus Feature Updates
Terri Pham Gonzalez, Manager of Account Services, Mirus
Thomas Mondelli, Front End UI Engineer, Mirus
Who's Behind Mirus BI & What's New?
Dina Misener, Manager of Application Development, Mirus
Training: Site Admin & Dimension Maintenance
Terri Pham Gonzalez, Manager of Account Services, Mirus
Training: How To Jazz Up Reports
Delyth Jones, Account Coordinator, Mirus
What To Know Before Changing Your POS
Traci Shumaker, Integration Specialist, Mirus
Tips on Operational Reporting
Terri Pham Gonzalez, Manager of Account Services, Mirus
Closing Remarks: Are You Asking The Right Questions?
Dave Bennett, CEO, Mirus
What are your thoughts?
What topics would you like covered next year?
About Mirus:
Mirus provides services in data management and solutions in custom reporting for the restaurant industry.
For more information, visit: mirus.com
Watch Mirus demo and client insight videos on our YouTube Channel
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