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Multi-Unit Restaurants: Filter Top Performers and Bad Apples

Posted by Mirus Marketing

Restaurant Winners and Losers Reports

You can not properly manage multi-unit restaurants if you are not measuring the performance of individual units. Mirus has long provided a reporting feature that allows decision makers to filter data in a best and worst format. This allows you to see your segmented data in a “top” and/or “bottom” ranking.

For instance, you could display the top and bottom 5 employees based on sales within each store or top and bottom 10 food items in each category. This type of insight is extremely valuable if you want to recognize those who work hard and discuss improvement with those who are struggling.


Besides overhauling the user interface, Mirus has dedicated resources to revamp certain features. As with several other reporting software updates, change comes from the requests our clients make. Below are two sample reports that are the exact same, however, one shows the top/bottom feature before improvements and the other displays the report after the enhancement.

The existing top/bottom feature could build a report by day, store, employee and ask for the top and bottom 3. In this scenario, I would only get 6 results, the top 3 and bottom 3 (Example below).

Top Bottom Employees Report 1

With the new enhancement of this feature I can build this same report by day, store , employee, and I can now choose to see the top and bottom 3 employees WITHIN each store. Instead of only getting a total of 6 results, you would get 6 results for each store (Example below).

Top Bottom Employee Report 2

Another example of Top/Bottom reports could be of item sales. The report below shows the top 10 item sales within each Major category.

Top Bottom Food Items Report


Reviewing segmented data in a “top” and/or “bottom” ranking is a powerful tool all multi-unit restaurant operators should have. The insight is reliable, accurate, and will allow decision makers to make detailed improvements.


How would you use a top bottom filter?

Are you currently manipulating spreadsheets to filter best and worst performers?

About Mirus:

Mirus Restaurant Solutions is a multi-unit restaurant reporting software used by operations, finance, IT, and marketing.

For more information, please visit www.mirus.com

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