Mirus Restaurant Solutions
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Stop Hating Your POS System

Posted by Mirus

Point of Sale in the Restaurant Industry

Point of Sale (POS) Systems have transformed the restaurant industry.  Their accuracy has significantly cut down operating costs and mistakes due to human error and has increased the accuracy of customer orders.  No more taking orders on a piece of paper and walking the order back to the kitchen!

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Topics: Restaurant Operations

How Uno Pizzeria Reduced Restaurant Loss

Posted by Leslie

Our clients love us and we love them right back! We're constantly amazed by their ingenuity and accomplishments. Their ideas and requests are what keep us on the leading edge of restaurant business solutions. Each month we shine the light on our clients, their accomplishments and what they're doing to increase their restaurant profit margin.

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Topics: Restaurant Profit, Restaurant Custom Reporting, Restaurant Loss Management, Client Spotlight

Caution: Summarized Restaurant Data May Yield Faulty Results

Posted by Mirus

Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted.
- Albert Einstein, Renowned Physicist

So Much Data to Manage
Restaurants generate a lot of information. Think about it. On a daily basis you’re collecting every item ordered on every guest check, every punch in/out of every employee, every receipt of materials, every entry in the log for deposits, etc. It’s a lot to process to gauge restaurant profitability!  So how do you manage all that information?  One way is to summarize the information across 5 restaurant reports: Daily Sales, Product Mix, Theoretical Food Cost, Labor Actual vs Schedule, Daily Cash.  But when you summarize data you run the risk of losing many specifics and the granularity of the data.

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Topics: Restaurant Profit, Restaurant Operations

Leveraging Your Restaurant Data: The Information Learning Curve

Posted by Mirus


The Power of Information Leverage
In the restaurant business, we have tools for accelerating growth in Earnings Per Share (EPS). There are different kinds of leverage. Two of the most common being financial and operational.

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Topics: Restaurant Data Warehouse

VIDEO: Meet Emily, She's Helping Restaurants Increase Profits!

Posted by Mirus Marketing

Employee Spotlight
Emily Duncan Tobar, Integrations Manager, Mirus Restaurant Solutions


At Mirus Restaurant Solutions, we work with many wonderful clients. At industry events or maybe during our annual user conference, we get to meet with some of them, face-to-face. It's always a good feeling to personally meet someone you have been working with over the phone or email.

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Topics: Employee Spotlight

What is an Enterprise Data Warehouse?

Posted by Dave

In my last blog I explained the daily activities of an Above Store Reporting System, and the operational characteristics that define this style of restaurant performance management. In this entry, I will define an alternative approach to measuring the performance of your restaurants - Enterprise Data Warehousing (EDW).

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Topics: Restaurant Profit, Restaurant Marketing

To Catch a Thief... Fraud Prevention in Restaurants

Posted by Mirus

Restaurant fraud is nothing new. The degree to which some employees will go to in order to steal is astonishing. Obviously, continuous fraud can severely impact restaurant profitability.

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Why Back of House & Business Intelligence Systems aren't the same

Posted by Mirus

Why BOH and BI Solutions are NOT the Same
I've spoken to many restaurant executives about performance measurement and restaurant data analysis across their franchises. When we address the topic of restaurant BI, more often than not I hear them admit that they're simply sticking with their Back of House solution. This would work fine if BOH solutions were the same as BI solutions.

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Topics: Restaurant Custom Reporting

Improve Customer Restaurant Reviews In 3 Steps

Posted by Mirus Marketing


Impact of Negative Customer Reviews
If you're a restaurant owner, you know too well that bad customer reviews can have a negative ripple effect on your bottom line. From epic owner meltdowns to 50% decrease in restaurant profits, a negative review in this day and age is something that should be dealt with appropriately.

I've read several stories of restaurant owners who allow these bad reviews to overcome their civilized manners. From the owner who hunted a reviewer down to the owner who fires back online causing more damage to their reputation and business.

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Topics: Restaurant Marketing

What is Above Store Reporting?

Posted by Dave

The Evolution of Restaurant Performance Management: A three part series detailing Above Store Reporting (ASR), Enterprise Data Warehousing (EDW), the differences between the two and the future of Restaurant Performance Management.

In the restaurant industry, measuring restaurant profit margin preceded computers, both inside the restaurant and up the chain of command. Forms and slips of paper were used to record important financial and operational data and were snail-mailed to headquarters before the days of fax and Internet. With computers, the paper forms were replaced with screens to capture the data, or it was taken directly from the Point of Sale (POS) or back of house (BOH) system and sent to headquarters.

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