Mirus Restaurant Solutions
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How Exception Based Reporting Leads to a Huge ROI

Posted by Leslie

Our clients love us and we love them right back! We're constantly amazed by their ingenuity and accomplishments. Their ideas and requests are what keep us on the leading edge of restaurant business solutions. Each month we shine the light on our clients, their accomplishments and what they're doing to increase their restaurant profit margin.

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Topics: Restaurant Marketing, Restaurant Operations, Client Spotlight

Stop Hating Your POS System

Posted by Mirus

Point of Sale in the Restaurant Industry

Point of Sale (POS) Systems have transformed the restaurant industry.  Their accuracy has significantly cut down operating costs and mistakes due to human error and has increased the accuracy of customer orders.  No more taking orders on a piece of paper and walking the order back to the kitchen!

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Topics: Restaurant Operations

Caution: Summarized Restaurant Data May Yield Faulty Results

Posted by Mirus

Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted.
- Albert Einstein, Renowned Physicist

So Much Data to Manage
Restaurants generate a lot of information. Think about it. On a daily basis you’re collecting every item ordered on every guest check, every punch in/out of every employee, every receipt of materials, every entry in the log for deposits, etc. It’s a lot to process to gauge restaurant profitability!  So how do you manage all that information?  One way is to summarize the information across 5 restaurant reports: Daily Sales, Product Mix, Theoretical Food Cost, Labor Actual vs Schedule, Daily Cash.  But when you summarize data you run the risk of losing many specifics and the granularity of the data.

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Topics: Restaurant Profit, Restaurant Operations

Restaurant Profit Margin - 4 Areas To Focus On

Posted by Mirus Team

Whether you own 1 restaurant or 100, there’s no eluding the fact that you have a slim restaurant profit margin. Like… razor thin. Each and every week you or someone on your staff breaks down the numbers to try and find ways to control costs, cut back labor hours, manipulate ingredient specs, etc. with the ultimate goal to pad the bottom-line and increase profitability. It’s perpetual and it’s always something different that changes the outcome and affects your restaurant profit margin. Whether it’s the price of wheat or employee turnover, your numbers will be modified to a slight, but noticeable degree.

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Topics: Restaurant Profit, Restaurant Operations


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