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A Look Back - Mirus 2016 (UPDATED)

Posted by Mirus Marketing

A look back on 2016

Listening and Improving

I asked Dina Misener, Manager of Application Development at Mirus to share her thoughts on what Mirus has accomplished in development during the 2016 year. Here's what she had to say:

"When asked to summarize what the Mirus development team accomplished over the past year, I paused and smiled. In my 15 years as a Mirus development team member, it gives me enormous pleasure to recognize we have had one of the most accomplished years in our history. Mirus underwent a major architectural and visual overhaul. The highlight of the year included the delivery of our new Smart Dashboard and Report View. Both of which were no small task and all teams, not just development participated in making our launches in March and September, a successful one."

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3 Tips To Improve Restaurant Surveys

Posted by Mirus Marketing

You'd think employees of restaurants know why it is important to collect customer feedback, right? Not to say that your employees don't care about customers in general, but I wonder if they understand that the data customers give management can be leveraged into profits and improve job satisfaction! Let's take a look at how this could be.

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Topics: Restaurant Marketing, Restaurant Performance

Managing Franchises, One Unit at a Time

Posted by Mirus Marketing

Restaurant Scorecards

Restaurant scorecards have long been used to monitor the success or struggles franchise locations may be going through at any given point in time. Similar to a grade school report card, operators can get a glimpse of unit sales, costs, execution, media spending, revenue bands, area demographics, and more.

Now days, there are systems that can take operating data and use that information to compare unit to unit or geographical area to area. It can be a quick and effective way to reward and offer assistance to franchisees.

So why is it important to scorecard each location to it's granular level? Below are 3 examples!

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Topics: Restaurant Profit, Restaurant Operations

5 Labor Alerts Every Restaurant Should Receive

Posted by Mirus Marketing

Save Time, Save Money

Is time really money? I think so, you only have so much time in a day. If you could save time by making your job more efficient, then you can effectively save money. Improving business efficiency can be achieved through exception based reporting.

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Topics: Restaurant Operations, Restaurant Finance

The 2 KPIs Every Restaurant CEO Should Be Using

Posted by Mirus Marketing

What is a KPI?

Before we delve into our KPI discussion, let's discuss what exactly is a KPI?

A Key Performance Indicator or "KPI" is a measurable business metric used to evaluate factors that are crucial to the success of an organization. A set threshold is used to gauge whether a KPI metric is performing better or worst than your threshold.

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Topics: Performance

Meet Matt, A Restaurant Software Developer On A Mission!

Posted by Mirus Marketing

Employee Spotlight:

Matt Brock, UI Developer, Mirus Restaurant Solutions

At Mirus, we have an exceptional team of people that all strive to serve our clients in the best way possible. Our clients are our highest priority and we understand that without their ongoing support, we would not be able to continue in any worthwhile direction.

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Topics: Employee Spotlight

Restaurant Analysis Methods: Product Mix VS. Market Basket

Posted by Mirus Marketing

Asking the right questions, is just as important as finding the proper answers

In order to find the proper answers, I wanted to understand what's the difference between product mix and market basket analysis? What are the advantages and disadvantages to those reporting methods? Is it more appropriate to use one method over the other? I sat down with a few Mirus employees to understand a little more about the two different analytical techniques.

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Topics: Restaurant Custom Reporting, Restaurant Performance

Mirus Unveils New Dashboard Technology

Posted by Mirus Marketing

UPDATE 02/4/16:

To do better, we must be better

Improvements to Mirus dashboards are coming and full of enhancements while keeping all the existing functionality! Currently, we're in a beta testing mode as we seek input from #MirusNerds but users should be able to experience the new dashboards by March.

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Topics: Mirus Updates

How Scorecards Improve Multi-unit Restaurant Operations

Posted by Mirus Marketing

Restaurant Industry Scorecards

As a multi-unit restaurant operator, it's your job to know which locations are doing well and which locations need help. Scorecards can help gauge the health of a specific restaurants quickly and accurately. To start, you need to collect data from each restaurant location such as:

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Topics: Restaurant Operations

Multi-Unit Restaurants: Filter Top Performers and Bad Apples

Posted by Mirus Marketing

You can not properly manage multi-unit restaurants if you are not measuring the performance of individual units. Mirus has long provided a reporting feature that allows decision makers to filter data in a best and worst format. This allows you to see your segmented data in a “top” and/or “bottom” ranking.

For instance, you could display the top and bottom 5 employees based on sales within each store or top and bottom 10 food items in each category. This type of insight is extremely valuable if you want to recognize those who work hard and discuss improvement with those who are struggling.

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Topics: Mirus Updates


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